defense lawyers

英 [dɪ'fens ˈlɔːjəz] 美 [dɪ'fens ˈlɔjərz]

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  1. Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.
  2. She says prosecutors were not able to present all the evidence they wanted in the case in which defense lawyers did not call any witnesses.
  3. "The sentence was unexpectedly harsh," said Yehya al-Eitabi, one of some two dozen defense lawyers who attended Thursday's hearing and said they would appeal the verdict.
  4. Defense lawyers said the judge showed leniency because of al-Zeidi's age and clean record.
  5. 1: The football star hired several of the top guns among defense lawyers all over America.
  6. A new addition on ABC, How to Get Away With Murder was a fun substitute, a lurid nighttime soap opera about lawbreaking defense lawyers& Law Disorder.
  7. Criminal defense lawyers can help convicts escape punishment for their crimes.
  8. But defense lawyers challenged the research on scientific grounds.
  9. In the criminal procedure in China, there exist some conception bases and regulations for the application right of the defense lawyers.
  10. Or a newspaper might report that "defense lawyers were'battening down the hatches'for testimony by someone who observed the crime."
  11. Defense lawyers requested a change of venue, claiming that they wouldn't be able to find unbiased jurors in the town where the crime took place.
  12. But prosecutors and defense lawyers quickly found out who was in charge. "She was always in command of her courtroom," one said," but she always wore a velvet glove."
  13. Criminal Defense Lawyers 'Professional Puzzlement of Our Country& From the perspective of safeguarding criminal defense Lawyers' rights
  14. China's new criminal procedural law emphasizes the innovations of court interrogation, prevents judges from "judging before investigating", regression in defense lawyers 'rights, which would probably violate defendants' defense right and furthermore ruin the justice and efficiency of court.
  15. Chinese criminal defense lawyers are facing abnormal occupational hazards.
  16. Strengthen the effectiveness of the defense lawyers 'investigation and evidence collection, perfect the adopting standards and procedures of defense lawyers' retrieving evidence in court trial, put punishments on the acts of disrupting defense lawyers 'investigation and evidence collection.
  17. First of all, this part elaborates on the regulations at home and abroad in respect of the intervention of the defense lawyers in the pro-trial criminal procedure and the litigation environment of the application of the new Lawyers Law.
  18. This part is constituted of two sections, the constraints of law and practical obstacles in elaborating the current shortage in our country of defense lawyers 'investigation rights.
  19. Defense lawyers bear the responsibility for accurately maintaining applicable laws and fulfilling lawful rights and interests of the parties in criminal proceedings.
  20. In addition, the "hard evidence" is a challenging issue in the defense lawyers practice.
  21. On the implementation of supporting systems for the protection of counsel immunity system, including the improvement of the legislation and the specific system interface, these systems are designed to better protect the rights of the defense lawyers.
  22. The main categories of defense lawyers 'investigation and evidence collection are transcripts and evidence such as documentary evidence, testimony of witnesses, inspection, examination, identification and investigative experiments.
  23. Standardize the defense lawyers 'behavior of investigation and evidence collection, promote lawyers' practicing cultivation.
  24. Defense lawyers must have certain rights to carry out their duty.
  25. In criminal litigation, criminal suspects, defendants except him, still can defense lawyers, lawyers 'duties are to make the party innocent or less guilty, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of parties.
  26. Most of the accused lack of legal knowledge, for the cases without a proper legal awareness, defense lawyers involved in defense programs is extremely necessary.
  27. Such behavior is not only harmful to legitimate interests of criminal suspects and defendants, but also damages the professional image of lawyers. To certain extent, it reflects the lack of protection of the defense lawyers 'rights.
  28. Besides, strengthen the investigative organs, judicial and administrative departments and the Bar Association guarantee the right of defense lawyers 'investigation and evidence collection.
  29. And the third part is about the current situation of defense lawyers 'investigation rights in our country.
  30. The second part chiefly introduces the situation of defense lawyers 'investigation rights in countries practicing the adversary system, the inquisitorial system and mixed action by giving examples of United Kingdom, U.S.A, Germany, France, Japan and Italy.



  1. the defendant and his legal advisors collectively
    1. the defense called for a mistrial

    Synonym:    defensedefencedefense team